Popular Veteran Stage and Tele Drama Actor Vijaya Nandasiri has passed away today(08) at the Kalubowila Teaching Hospital(Southern Colombo) according to sources.
The 69 year old actor is locally popular as a natural comedian through some of his popular tele drama's including "Nonawaruni Mahathwaruni" and "Yess Boss".He has also acted in several Sinhala films.
Vijaya Nandasiri is married to Sri Lanka's first Tele Drama Actress Devika Mihirani.
"May he attain the supreme bliss of nibbana".
The 69 year old actor is locally popular as a natural comedian through some of his popular tele drama's including "Nonawaruni Mahathwaruni" and "Yess Boss".He has also acted in several Sinhala films.
Vijaya Nandasiri is married to Sri Lanka's first Tele Drama Actress Devika Mihirani.
"May he attain the supreme bliss of nibbana".