The Special Investigations Unit Of the Foreign Employment Bureau has arrested two persons who fraudulently taking money from foreign job seekers by promising them providing an employment in Malaysia according to the Employment Bureau.
It has been reported that the two suspects had taken Rs.180,000 from a person by promising them employment opportunities in Malaysia.
The Special Investigations Unit Of The Foreign Employment Bureau has also taken into custody 10 passports in possession of the two detained suspects.The suspects have a a foreign Employment Agency in Habarana the investigations have revealed.
The two suspects are due to be produced before Kakirawa Magistrate Court.
It has been reported that the two suspects had taken Rs.180,000 from a person by promising them employment opportunities in Malaysia.
The Special Investigations Unit Of The Foreign Employment Bureau has also taken into custody 10 passports in possession of the two detained suspects.The suspects have a a foreign Employment Agency in Habarana the investigations have revealed.
The two suspects are due to be produced before Kakirawa Magistrate Court.