The Habaraduwa Police have yesterday(09) arrested two persons near the Babagala Bridge for killing an endangered species "Sea Eagle" and after the suspects were produced before Galle Magistrate court today(10) they were remanded until 24th of March according to sources.
The two suspects were arrested by the Habaraduwa Police after social media and local news papers carried photographs of them killing the sea eagle .The Police are looking to arrest another three persons who were in the photographs that related to killing of the eagle.
The suspects were charged under the flora and tuna act and they will face a five year jail term if convicted for the offence of harassing the Sea Eagle.
The two suspects were arrested by the Habaraduwa Police after social media and local news papers carried photographs of them killing the sea eagle .The Police are looking to arrest another three persons who were in the photographs that related to killing of the eagle.
The suspects were charged under the flora and tuna act and they will face a five year jail term if convicted for the offence of harassing the Sea Eagle.