Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe has today (05) said the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Employers Trust Fund(ETF) which are functioning for the benefit of Employees attach to Private and Semi Government Sectors in the Country will be joined together soon .EPF and ETF will be combined together and form a new fund call "National Pension Gratuity Fund" Prime Minister has stressed.
While addressing the Parliament today(05) to explain on the Government's Medium Term Economic Policy Prime Minister has revealed an amount around Rs.1.7 Trillion would be added to this new fund and the Board Of Directors of the Fund will be appointed by the Constitutional Council .
Like in previous UPFA Government no politician will be allowed to stealing the money belonging to EPF and ETF Prime Minister has assured.
While addressing the Parliament today(05) to explain on the Government's Medium Term Economic Policy Prime Minister has revealed an amount around Rs.1.7 Trillion would be added to this new fund and the Board Of Directors of the Fund will be appointed by the Constitutional Council .
Like in previous UPFA Government no politician will be allowed to stealing the money belonging to EPF and ETF Prime Minister has assured.