A meeting between President Maithripala Sirisena and the former President Mahinda Rajapakshe to settle their differences is scheduled to be held in Colombo this Wednesday(06) according to the State Minister of Housing and Samurdhi Dilan Perera.
During this meeting the pair will be discussed on the the future path of Sri Lanka Freedom Party(SLFP) which is chaired by President Sirisena at present ,avoiding the SLFP split in to two factions and the ways that SLFP should face the forthcoming general and provincial council elections the state minister has said.
There are rumors that the SLFP which is currently in the opposition is to be split in to two factions as a group of SLFP MP'S wants to name the former President Mahinda Rajapakshe as SLFP'S Prime Ministerial Candidate in the forthcoming general elections which the present president has refused.
During this meeting the pair will be discussed on the the future path of Sri Lanka Freedom Party(SLFP) which is chaired by President Sirisena at present ,avoiding the SLFP split in to two factions and the ways that SLFP should face the forthcoming general and provincial council elections the state minister has said.
There are rumors that the SLFP which is currently in the opposition is to be split in to two factions as a group of SLFP MP'S wants to name the former President Mahinda Rajapakshe as SLFP'S Prime Ministerial Candidate in the forthcoming general elections which the present president has refused.