Friday, July 25, 2014

Sri Lankan Weightlifter Sudesh Pieris Won The First Medal For Sri Lanka In Commonwealth Games

Sri Lankan Weightlifter Sudesh Pieris has won the first medal for Sri Lanka at the 20th Commonwealth Games currently underway in Glasgow,Scotland when he received the Silver Medal in the 62 Kilo Gramme Category worked out yesterday(25).Sudesh who is from Sandalankawa Area is also  the Captain of  104 member Sri Lankan Contingent  to the Commonwealth Games this year .

He was also the Bronze Medalist in the same weightlifting Category at the last Commonwealth Games held in Jawahallal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi,India on 2010.As Sudesh has won the Silver Medal ,Dimitris Minasidis of Cyprus won the Gold Medal in this Category  this morning while Vaipana Loane of Samoa won the Bronze Medal .

Sri Lanka'S Sudesh Pieris is on the left in the pix.

Half oF Of The Dengue Patients Reported From The Island Wide Have Been reported In June And July

Nearly half of the total number of Dengue Patients reported from Island wide during last seven months have been reported in the Months Of June and July according to the
Epidemiology Unit.Out of the 23,355 Dengue Patients that reported throughout the Island from 01st of June to 25th of July this year 10,387 Dengue Patients have been identified on June and July the Epidemiology Unit has revealed.

In the month of June 6439 Dengue Patients have been reported and in  July up to now 3948 Dengue Patients have been identified Epidemiologists Said.The majority of the Dengue Patients have been reported from the Colombo District and the number is 8258 patients.

Meanwhile the Entomology Assistant Officers have warned that the Dengue Mosquito Density in the City Of Colombo has been increased by 3 folds which stands in the Britaux Index as 20.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

DCD Contained Milk Powder Packs Identified Last Year Might Re Entered The Market-Minister Champika Ranawake

There is a great possibility to believe that the  20% out of the total milk powder imports last year(2013)that were confirmed by the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI)  as containing  DCD Agro Chemical  re entered the local market according to the Minister of Technology And Research Champika Ranawake.

Addressing a special media briefing held today(24) at the Industrial Technology institute in Colombo Minister Ranawake has said that the Ice Cream samples collected from the alms giving centers(dansalas) conducted to mark poson festival last June proved that the DCD contained Milk Powder used to make those ice creams.All the seven ice cream samples collected from the alms giving centers in Colombo City  have been contained DCD chemical he has stressed.

Out of the total amount  of Milk Powder imported by Sri Lanka last year numbering around 80,000 metric tonnes ,20% were contained with DCD Chemical the minister had revealed.Although the ITI had sent the DCD Test Results to the Health Ministry there are no reports on whether the said stock of Milk Powder has been removed from the market else destroying it he has said.Therefor it might re entered the market in form of a Milk Product else as a Milk Powder minister has further added.

While commanding the facilities available in ITI to identify DCD Chemical in Milk Powder the Minister has sympathize over the remarks made by some factions  within the Health Sector regarding the tests conducted by ITI on the said Ice Cream samples.Those factions are  questioning the way the institute had collected the samples without the help of Public Health Inspectors he has urged."The ITI has the facilities to identify DCD chemical in Milk Powder and no one can challenge that fact" Minister Ranawake has further said.

Meanwhile Addressing the briefing the Director General of ITI Mr.Premakumara has said that the tests will continue to find whether the Milk Powder and Milk Products in the local market are made from the DCD Contained Milk Powder identified by ITI last year.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Famous Yala National Park Due To Be Closed On September

The famous  local tourist attraction "Yala" National Park is due to be closed for a month period from 02nd of September to 30th of September 2014 due to the dry season prevails there at that time according to the authorities.
It will be reopened during first week of October if the dry season is over at that time authorities revealed.Yala National Park was closed down during September-October period last year too due to the dry season.

Health Alert On DCD Contained Milk Powder

Health Authorities have not taken a single  step to either removed or destroyed the imported Milk Powder Packs which confirmed as contained DCD Chemical up to now the President of the Sri Lanka Public Health Inspectors Association Upul Rohana has said today(23).

After found that the DCD contained imported Milk Powder has entered to Sri Lankan Market last year so many tests of them have been carried out by the Industrial Technology Institute(ITI).The ITI has also issued the batch numbers belongs to the DCD Confirmed Milk Powders but the authorities not able to destroy or remove a single DCD contained Milk Powder Pack up to now Upul Rohana has said.

Addressing a Press Briefing held this morning-in Colombo the President of the Public Health Inspectors Association has revealed that around 1455 DCD contained imported Milk Powder Packs have  been identified during this year, but  the authorities have failed to remove any of those packs from the market up to now  he has stressed.

Also when the samples of the said stock 0f Milk Powders has sent to a laboratory in Singapore they confirmed that no DCD trace has found in those stocks he has further said.The stock of Milk Powder weighing 124.4 Metric Tonnes which said to be destroyed by the Health Ministry few months back due to the contamination of DCD  had destroyed due to they were expired Upul Rohan further said.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

15,000 Kilo Grammes Of Fake Chili Powder Recovered From A Grinding Mill

Around 15,000 Killo Grammes Of Fake Chili Powder made by using Rice Flour,White Flour and Cloth Dyes were recovered from a grinding mill situated in Sedawatta ,Wellampitiya area (Colombo Suburbs ) according to the Consumer Affairs Authority.

This fake chili powder  are being distributed  to Hatton and Awissawella areas for sale sources said.The Consumer Affairs Authority has been questioning the two persons  attach to the grinding mill that produced  the fake chili powder .

Special Commodity Tax On Imported Sugar Has Been Increased By Rs.3

The Special Commodity Tax imposed on imported sugar has been increased by Rs.3 per killo gramme with effect from 16th of July according to government sources.under this new tax increase the tax per one killo gramme of imported sugar has been increased by Rs.25 to Rs.28.

The commodity tax has been increased   to protect local sugarcane farmers and against the drop of sugar prices in the international market  .Due to the new tax increase the price of imported sugar in the local market will not be increased according to the sources.