Monday, November 25, 2013

GMOA has Requested Health Ministry To Probe On 48 Registered Medical Practitioners Who Were Misused State Funds

The Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) has requested Ministry Of Health to inquire and punish  48 Registered Medical Practitioners(RMO's) who had taken three year study leave with full pay from the Ministry Of Health in 1998 to study in Saint Petersburgh Medical Faculty in Russia but  completed the degree in short period of time.the said medical practitioners were found as only been in Russia for two weeks to six month period instead of three full years according to GMOA.

The 48 Registered Medical Practitioners were engaged in Private Practice in Sri Lanka on the three years they have received as full pay study leave instead of studying Russia for the full period as alleged by GMOA President Dr.Anuruddha Padeniya .however they have provided a false degree certificate that stating they have completed three year degree course at saint petersburgh medical college dr.padeniya has said.

As these Registered Medical Practitioners known as apothecaries misused state funds by providing false details of their degree an impartial inquiry should be held regarding this  matter GMOA President  has stressed.

The said Medical Practitioners have also applied for registration in Sri Lanka Medical Council but it has been stalled due to the objections raised by the GMOA.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cases Of Around 30 Sri Lankan Visa Violaters Are Reported From Malaysia Daily -Foreign Employment Bureau

The Foreign Employment Bureau has today(24) revealed  that cases of around  30 Sri Lankan visa violators who have entered Malaysia on Tourist Visa in  search of  employment there  are reported  to Sri Lankan Embassy in Malaysia daily basis .a large number of Sri Lankans who have flouted their visa conditions are now in Malaysian police custody bureau has said.

As those who are in custody do not name the foreign employment agency sent them to Malaysia the foreign employment bureau has not able to warn potential travelers there on the serious consequences facing if found violating visa conditions in that country the bureau has stressed.

According to Foreign Employment Bureau Chairman Managala Randeniya ,bureau has not responsible for the large number of Sri Lankan visa violators who are now in Malaysian Police Custody and they will not assist such people to secure their release because they have violated the country's  law.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Forum Of Health Professionals Against Corruption Has Filed A Bribery Case Against A Ministry Media Officer

The Forum Of Health Professionals Against Government Corruption  has filed a complaint before  Bribery or Corruption Commission requesting an inquiry on a Media Officer attach to the Ministry Of Health who has taken a sum of Rs.227,000 as a bribe from a corrupted Drug Company in view of granting a tender for the Company to supply an expensive Cancer Injections to Maharagama Cancer Hospital.

The Forum has filed this complaint  before the bribery commission on 07th of November the sources have their complaint the forum of health professionals against government corruption  has alleged that the said media officer has received Rs.227,000 as a bribe on behalf of the said tender in three installments on 18th,23rd and 27th of September 2013 to his  bank account at a Kirulapona Branch of a Private Bank.he has received the three installments as Rs.125,000 on 18th of September,Rs.50,000 on 23rd of September and Rs.52,000 on  27th of September according to forum sources.

After other Health Ministry Officials have received information on this fraud deal the said media officer has suspended his private bank account in Kirulapona Branch and now he has receiving a sum of over Rs.100,000 monthly from the corrupted drug company to his wife's bank account sources further added.

The Forum Against Government Corruption  has requested the bribery commission to investigate on all bank accounts belongs to the said media officer and take a stern action against him if found he is guilty of the charges.

Another Cabinet Minister Has Sworn In

Deputy Minister of  Economic Development S.M Chandrasena has been appointed as the Cabinet Minister for Special Projects .he has taken his oaths in the new portfolio before President Mahinda Rajapksha in Anuradhapura this noon.

With this new appointment the number of Cabinet Ministers in the present government has increased to 57.Sri Lankan Population is around 21 million people and having a total number of 67 ministers including 57 Cabinet Ministers and Ten Senior Ministers in the present government..besides that there are 38 deputy ministers and two project ministers.

Peices Of Several Essential Imported Commodities Are To Be Increased Following New Taxes

Following the taxes imposed on several imported essential commodities made through the 2014 budget proposals prices of them are expecting to be increased  during coming days according to local economists.the taxes are imposed on imported sugar,dhal,garlic,fruits,salmon,butter,yoghurt as well as petrol and diesel from the budget proposals presented to Parliament last Thursday.

The taxes are imposed on  Rs.30 per 1 Killo Gramme of imported Sugar,Rs.18-22 per Killo Gramme Of Dhal,Rs.40 per Garlic,Rs.102 per 1 Killo Gramme of Salmon,Rs.880 per 1 Killo Gramme of Butter,Rs.625 per 1 Killo Gramme of Yoghurt ,Rs.27 per imported liter of Petrol and Rs.3 per imported liter of Diesel through the budget proposals.the taxes imposed on imported fruits too have been revised.

In addition the tax imposed on all imported tobacco products too has been increased however the tobacco related expected  be not to be increased according to sources.

Customs Seized Four Metric Tonnes Of Sandalwood Imported Illegally From India

The Custom Officers have today(22) seized four metric tonnes of expensive red sandalwood imported illegally from South India and was declared as  Sanitary Ware.the seized stock of sandalwood is valued around Rs.100 million sources revealed.

The Stock Of Sandalwood was packed in 445 boxes and stored in a container at Colombo Harbor sources have further added.the said stock was transported to Dubai from Chennai via Colombo at  the time custom officials  seized it.

The investigations are underway through the naval ship which was transported the sandalwood stock custom officials said.

100% Surcharge On Imported Gold Has Been Removed

The 100% surcharge duty imposed on imported Gold has been removed with effect from today(22) according to Sri Lankan Customs.the surcharge was imposed on 21st of June this year for a six month period custom officials have said.

The surcharge was removed under the instructions of President Mahinda Rajapaksha they have further added.meanwhile import duty on gold has been reduced to 7.5% from 10% sources added.