Thursday, June 11, 2009

University Of Kelaniya Closed Down Indefinitely Following Clashes Between Students And Residents

University Of Kelaniya one of the leading universities of Sri Lanka closed down indefinitely this noon following a Clashes between University Students and the Residents of the Area became violent.Nine Residents of the Area were hospitalized following a group of students reside in the University Hostel attacked them last night with Iron Bars over a dispute.

After this attack Residents of the Area armed with clubs and poles surrounded the University Hostel this morning to attack the Group of Students as a Revenge and afterwardsUniversity Authorities called Police to restore normalcy.After arrived to the University Premises Police fired Tear Gas to disperse the Attackers.Although the Kelaniya University was closed Down Medical Faculty attached to the University will functioned as usual.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Media And Civil Activists Protested Against The Attacking Of Journalists

Sri Lankan Media Personal and Civil Society activists to day hold a Protest at the Town Hall in Colombo against the attacking of Journalists and Media Suppression.Wearing Black Scarfs the Protesters criticized the recent attack on the Secretary of the Sri Lankan Working Journalists Association Poddala Jayantha and urged the authorities to stop Interim Forces that are attacking the Journalists.

Sri Lankan Authorities Detained And Expelled Canadian Liberal MP On His Arrival

Canadian Liberal Party Parliamentarian Bob Rae who is known as supported the LTTE was detained by the Sri Lankan Immigration and Emigration Authorities at the Katunayaka International Air Port in Colombo soon after his arrival to Sri Lanka from New Delhi.

Immigration and Emigration Controller Mr.P.B Abeykoon says that the Canadian Liberal Party MP was briefly detained after his arrival to the country over allegations that he links with the LTTE and Immediately sent him to the destination he came, from the very Next Flight.According to the Controller MP is barred from entering to Sri Lanka as he is allegedly linked with LTTE.

Meanwhile Authorities are suspicious on the MP's Visit here as he arrived from a one way ticket.He is representing the Torronto City where most of the Sri Lankan Tamils are living in Canada.

Ottawa Government expressed their Dismay and Displeasure over the Sri Lankan Government's decision to detained MP Rae and booted him out from the Country.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Accidental Explosion At The Ammunition Dump In Wanni

There is an Explosion taken place at the Ammunition Dump in Wanni Army Command of the Vavuniya District this evening.According to the Military this Explosion is an Accidental one.

Residents of Vavuniya too were shaken after hearing the Loud Explosion.Fire was Broke out after the Explosion and Vavuniya Police rushed to the Scene.

Kandy District Becomes The City Of Dengue Deaths

Kandy District Becomes the District Most number of Dengue deaths had reported and it exceeds the Total Number of Dengue Deaths reported from Colombo District.

During this year up to now 24 Dengue Deaths out of the Total Number of 124 Deaths reported throughout the Island were reported from Kandy and only 13 Deaths were reported from Colombo District which is the District most affected from Dengue according to the Epidemiology Unit.

During this year up to now 8647 Dengue Patients are reported from the Island and there are 124 Dengue Deaths.

Batticloe Mayor Sivageetha And Few TMVP Members To Join Ruling SLFP

Batticaloe Mayor and Central Committee Member of the LTTE Break away Faction TMVP (Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Pukkal)Party Mrs.Sivageetha Prabhakaren and few other Party members today decided to join the Ruling Sri Lanka Freedom Party(SLFP) .This decision was taken during the Central Committee Meeting held today.

Meanwhile TMVP Leader and the Chief Minister of the Eastern Province Sivanasathurai Chandrakanthan allias "Pillayan" and other Party Members are decided to stay with the Party.Earlier reports said that the Chief Minister too considering to dissolve the Party and join with Sri Lanka Freedom Party as former leader of the TMVP Vinayagamurthy Muralideran allias Karuna Amman has done.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Colombo Public Health Dept.To Take A Legal Action Against Dengue Mosquito Breeders

Public Health Department of the Colombo Municipal Council issued notices to 346 Houses in the City last Saturday who are responsible for maintaining Dengue Mosquito Breeding Places in their Household.Legal action will taken against these residents if they are not going to destroy Mosquito Breeding Places within One Week according to the Chief Medical Officer of Colombo Pradeep Kariyawasam.

Public Health Department inspected 18,645 Houses in the City last Saturday to find out Dengue Mosquito Breeding Places according to Dr.Kariyawasam.

Extreme Weather Battered Many Parts Of The Island

 Extreme weather associated With. Heavy showers and strong winds battered many parts of  the island since last night Causing floods and land...