Friday, March 24, 2017


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Colombo Fort Magistrate To Announce The Decision On MP Weerawanshe's Bail Application On 03rd Of April

Colombo Fort Magistrate is due to reconsider a fresh bail application filed by the imprisoned Joint Opposition MP and leader of the National Freedom Front Wimal Weerawansha today (24) and will announce the court's decision on it on 03rd of April.
Image result for wimal weerawansa

The imprisoned MP who is currently involved in a hunger strike at Welikada Prison over rejecting his revised bail application recently ,filed a fresh bail application after her daughter had been admitted to the Ragama Teaching Hospital as a result of a hunger strike commenced by her against her father's imprisonment.

New Zealand To Open A High Commission In Sri Lanka

New Zealand Government has today(24) announced that the country will open a High Commission in Colombo,Sri Lanka soon.

By establishing a High Commission in Sri Lanka will be a sign of strengthening country's  relationship with Sri Lanka according to the New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully .

As Sri Lanka's economy is a growing one and the country is in rebuilding process after the decades long civil war .we are keen to support this process politically and through a broader economic relationship New Zealnd's Foreign Minister has stated.

At present there's a New Zealand Consulate situated in Colombo.

President Sirisena Met World's First Female Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova

Image result for valentina tereshkovaPresident Maithripala Sirisena who is currently s in Russia for an  official tour met the world's  first female cosmonaut to have flown in space ,Valentina Tereshkova of Russia yesterday(23).

President met the former female astronaut Tereshkova during a function held in yesterday to mark 60th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Sri Lanka and Russia.

President Sirisena is the first Sri Lankan head of state visited Russia since 1974.

Foreign-Five Bodies Found And Hundreds Feared Dead As Migrant Boats Sink Off Libya

Thursday, March 23, 2017

"Awanka yahaluwekuta obe sartakatwayedi menma pasubasmakadi ekase langa hindimin ema thathwayan obat samaga winda Dara gatha hakiya-Ehet wyaja yahaluwekuta awasi wanuye obage sartakatwaye kotaskaruweku wemata pamani"


Extreme Weather Battered Many Parts Of The Island

 Extreme weather associated With. Heavy showers and strong winds battered many parts of  the island since last night Causing floods and land...