Monday, December 5, 2022

Price Of LItro Gas Increased

 The Price of Litro Gas had been decreased with effect from midnight yesterday (05)the Litto Gas Company has announced. 

Accordingly the price of 12.5  KG Gas cylinder has been increased  by Rs.250 to Rs.4610 ,Price of 5 KG Gas cylinder has been increased  by Rs.100 to Rs.1850  and Price of 2.5KG  Litro gas cylinder was increased by.Rs.45 to Rs.860.

Price Of Auto Diesel Had Been Decreased

 Both Ceylon  Petroleum Corporation ('Ceypetco)and the Lanka Indian Oil Company (LIOC)had been reduced the price of the liter of Auto Diesel by Rs.10 with effect t from midnight last night .

Accordingly the new proce of the liter of Auto Diesel Is Rs.420,.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Bodies Of 2500 Seals Found Along On Caspian Sea Coast 



Born  sobana ,Pradarshana nomathi adarayak/senehasak thula avyaaja bandimak nirmanaya wee pawathi.(Uputaa ganeemaki)

Body Of A Female Doctor Found From Her House

 A body of a female doctor attached to the OPD in Peradeniya Teaching Hospital in Peradeniya area was found whilst hanging in her house according to the Kadugannawa Police .

lPolice are investigating on the incident to find out whether the death of the deceased Doctor has occurred as a result of a murder or an accident.

Landslide Threats Issued To Five Districts

 Due to the Adverse weather conditions prevails in the island these days as a result of the heavy showers .Landslide threat is being occurred in five Districts according to the National Building Research Organization (NBRO).

Accordingly landslide threat is being occurred in Colombo ,Galle,Kalutara ,Kegalle and Ratnapura Districts the NBRO has stated.People lives in mountainous areas in these Districts should be vigilant over the signs of landslides rage Organization has stated.

Special Trade Tax Imposed On Big Anions And Canned Fish Revised

 Government has decided to reduce the special trade tax imposed on Big anions and to increase the same tax imposed on canned fish with effect from 01st of December according to the Ministry of Finance, Economic stability and National policies .

Accordingly Special trade tax of Rs.50 imposed on a Kilo gramme of Big anions has been reduced to Rs.10 and the  Special trade tax of Rs.100  imposed on a kilo gramme of Canned fish has been increased to Rs.200 the Ministey has stated.

SAITM Private Medical Collage To Be Handed Over To Moratuwa University

The Private Medical Collage South Asian Institute Of  Technology and Medicine (SAITM) and affliated Dr.Neville Fernando Teaching Hospital ar...