Monday, December 8, 2008

UNP Handover A No Confidence Motion Against The Government

Sri Lanka's Main Opposition Party the United National Party(UNP) Handed Over a No Confidence Motion Against the Government to the Parlimentary Secretary This Noon.UNP Last Week Requested a Special Debate on the Corruption Activities Within the Government especially the Recent Hedging Deel.Meanwhile The Third and Final Vote of the Present Government's Third Budget will be held this evening.

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Five Point Agenda On Reducing Inequality In The Asian Region Launched

United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) Today(05) Launched A Five Point Agenda on Reducing the Inequality and Distributing the Benefits of the Economic Development among
the People and All Classes in a Country and between the Countries in Asian Region. Experts who prepared this Agenda warned that there should be a Social Strife if not Reducing the Inequality of the Societies in Asia.The Facts in this Agenda are Based on the Findings of Research and Policy Dialoges Carried out by the UNDP And foreign Experts Professor Frances Stuart Of the Oxford University and Sir Richard Jolly in the Countries of Sri Lanka,Nepal,India,Indonesia and Timor-Laste.Speeking at this Occasion held in Hotel Taj Samudra,Colombo The Head Of the UNDP Asia And Pacific Regional Office IN Colombo Mr.Omar Norman says the Recent Mumbai Attacks Shown that Terrorism Is a Threat to the Human Development and their is a Direct Relationship between the Inequality and Conflict.As Inequality In the Society Increases the Poverty in The Urban Areas are in Rise.He also Stressed That Now The People Living with Extreme Poverty in the Asia Pacific Region is Exceeding than the People in the Sub Saharan African Countries.There are Around 900 Million People In Asia and Pacific Region Living with Extreme Poverty Mr.Norman Added.

Depression In Bay Of Bengal Towards Batticaloe To Turn Into A Cyclone?

Due to the Depression Developing in Bay Of Bengal Located 650 Kilo Meters East Of Batticaloe there's a Threat that will intensify into a Tropical Cyclone The Meterological Department warned Today(05).

Prices Of Petrol And Furnace Oil To Be Reduced From Midnight Today

Prime Minister Rathansiri Wickramanayaka Today(05)announced in Parliment that the Prices of Petrol and Furnace Oil Reduced by Rs.20 and Rs.10 Respectively effective from Midnight Today.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Security Forces Captured The See Tiger Stronghold At Alampil And Puliyankulam

The Ground Forces Belongs to the 59th Division of the Army who are Heading towards the Liberating of Kilinochchi,Captured the LTTE'S main See Tiger Stronghold at Alampil Located 10 Kilo Meters South Of Mulativue District This Noon Defence Ministry said.Forces also Captured the Puliyankulam Town Situated in the A-9 Kandy Road Ministry Said.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eastern Docs To Return For Work After Getting Their Demands

Around One Hundred Eastern Provincial Doctors who returned to Colombo 17th of Last Month citing Security Reasons Will Return to Their Hospitals Tomorrow(04) after getting their Demands including the Security. Authorities taken steps to Provide them Adequate Security,A Security Committee to Monitor their Security and Five Million Rupee Insurance Cover Per Doctor as demanded by these Docs.Out of the One Hundrad Doctors who were Returned to Colombo Eighty are from the Batticaloe District in the Eastern Province.They Came to Colombo Following the Assassination of their Colleague working in the Nawakkadu Hospital in Batticaloe by the Gunmen believed to be from the LTTE.Afterwards Ministry Of Defence taken steps to Provide the Eastern Doctors with Adequate Security by using Special Task Force Personnel and the Police.
Meanwhile The Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA)says that they Demanded the Health Authorities to pay Risk Allowance For the Doctors serve in the North And Eastern Provinces as they are Entitled for it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

European Union Granted GSP+ To Sri Lanka For Six Month Period

European Union finally Granted much talked about GSP+ Concession to Sri Lanka For a Six Month Period International Trade Ministry Said Today(02).But it will be subjected for Investigate further Secretary of the Ministry S.Ranugge says.European Union Earlier Refused to Grant GSP+ To Sri Lanka saying that sri lanka should Improve their Human Rights Record.

Julian Asange Fly To Australia After Leaving US Court As A Free Man