Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Second Term Of Government Schools Ends Today

The Second Term of all Government Schools ends today (04)according to the Ministry Of Education.Schools will reopens on 05th of September except 41 schools which are the centers for marking Advanced Level Examination Papers.

More Then 100 Drugs And Surgicals Are Out Of Stock In Hospitals And MSD

More than 100 essential Drugs and Surgical Items are out of stock in Government Hospitals and in Medical Supplies Division(MSD) these days accroding to Hospital Sources.Among the Drugs and Surgical Items that are out of stock are Drugs prescribe for Diabetes,High Blood Preassure,Heart Diseases,Cholesterol ,Eye Diseases and Respiratory Diseases as well as Surgical Item Surgical Gloves sources have revealed.

Taking benefit from the situation most of the Government Hospital Doctors are getting used  to local purchase  Surgical Gloves which is out of stock at the moment for higher prices according to Hospital Authorities.

Meanwhile more than 100 quality failed Drugs and Surgical Items were withdrawn from the Government Hospitals during last 12 month period and that was one of the major causes for   current Drug Shortage prevails in the Country Medical Supplies Division(MSD) sources stressed.Health Minister Mailthripala Sirisena and few of the Health Ministry officials are currently in India to discuss on buying Drugs indirectly from the Drug Manufacturers in India.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

37 percent Of The 65-74 Age Group Are Toothless.

Around 37 percent of the   Sri Lankan Population's   65-74 age group are not having a single tooth in their mouth according to the latest dental survey results issued by the World Health Organization(WHO).According to Dr.Jayasundara Bandara the Deputy Director General of Health Service (Dental Services) when the Sri Lankan population reached 60 years of age 25 percent of  the said age group are not having a single tooth in their mouth ..

Due to not protecting their teeth since child hood by brushing the teeth  twice a day,most of the above age group people are suffering from Tooth Decay due to not brushing their teeth properly Dr.Bandara had stressed.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

GMOA Claimed That Sri Lanka Medical Council Ruining The Medical Education

Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) has today condemned the activities of the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) by  stating that the members of SLMC ruining the Medical Education System in the Country.

Addressing a Press Briefing held at GMOA Office in Colombo this noon the Assistant Secretary Dr.Upul Gunesekera has said  that the Sri Lanka Medical Council has taken few wrong decisions including trying to give the Registration to some 60 Assistant Medical Officers(AMO) who got completed short post graduate training and concerning to reduced the pass mark of ACT-16 Exam faced by Foreign Medical Graduates from 45 to 40.

GMOA along with a special committee appointed to amend the Medical Services Act in a view to changed the SLMC Structure will work to change the face of SLMC Dr.Gunesekera stressed.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sri Lankan Muslim Community To Begin Fasting For Ramazan Tomorrow

The Colombo Grand Mosque has announced today that the Fasting period for  Sri Lankan Muslim Community  in the view of Ramazan Festival will begin tomorrow as the new moon has been sighted .

State Pharmaceutical Corporation Need Rs.50,000 Million Additional Money Annually To Purchase Drugs Due To Corruption

Due to the Corruption and Fraud activities occurred during the  Tender Procedure and Technical Evaluations, The State Pharmaceuticals Corporation (SPC) need to spend an additional Rs. 50,000 Million annually besides the allocated funds when  purchasing of  Pharmaceuticals,Surgical s  and Laboratory Chemicals for the Government Hospitals according to the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation sources.

The sources further say that the Ministry Of Health has given the amount they allocated last year to purchasing the required Drugs,Surgical s and Lab Chemicals for the Hospitals as Rs.15 Billion ,But due to the Corrupt Activities the real amount spending over this has multiplied.As the SPC need lots of money to spend on purchasing Drugs for the State Hospitals they have taken the Bank loans and as a result the SPC have to pay Rs.450,000  daily to Two of the State Banks as a interest which they are having over draft it has been revealed.

Meanwhile as a step to stop corruption and Fraud activities occurred in Tender Procedures and Technical Evaluations when purchasing of Drugs  the Ministry Of Health is planning to purchase the required Drugs directly from the Governments of India and Bangladesh the Ministry Source said.However the Pharmaceutical Experts have stated that the Ministry should have acted more responsibly than this when com batting against the Corruption in Pharmaceutical Industry as most of the Drugs imported from India and Bangladesh are facing quality failure problems.

These experts are also in the view that the Health Ministry Officials should try to stop these Corrupt practices occurred in Tender Procedures and clean the Tender System in whole without giving interim solutions to the problem.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

President Instructed IGP To Conduct Full Scale Investigation On Assaulting Of Jaffna News Editor

President Mahinda Rajapaksha has today instructed Inspector General Of Police (IGP) N.K Illangakoon to conduct a full scale investigation and submit a report to him on the assaulting of the "Uthayan "News Paper's  News Editor G.Kuganathan the Presidential Media Unit has announced today.

The Uthayan" News Editor was brutally assaulted by an unidentified people with iron rods near his News Paper Office In Jaffna last Friday he is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Jaffna Teaching Hospital with serious injuries.

Senior DIG Priyantha Weerasuriya Has Been Appointed As Acting IGP

The senior Deputy Inspector General Of Police (DIG)  in charge of North Central Province  Priyantha Weerasuriya has been appointed as the ac...