Thursday, October 18, 2018




Prime Minister To Leave India On A Two Day Official Tour

Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil
Wikramasinghe is due to leave for India this evening (18)on a two day official visit .

During his visit Prime Minister Wikramasinghe is due to hold talks with his counterpart Indian Prime Minister Narendra Singh Modi on this Saturday (20) .Prime Minister is also due to meet  several higher Indian officials including  Minister Of External Affairs Shushma Swaraj .

During the talks with Indian heads Prime Minister Wikramasinghe is due to discuss on several matters interested to both countries including India aided projects in Sri Lanka and Chinese influence in the region.

SLFP Organizer In Kegalle Arrested With Three Illegal Firearms In Possession

Police Special Task Force Personal have
arrested the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP ) organizer in Kegalle District Imithiaz Cader with three illegal firearms in his possession at his house in Bolahalla ,Kegalle this morning (18).

Accordingly Police have taken in to custody a T-56 firearm,Repeater Firearm and MP-5 firearm with bullets in the possession of the suspect during a raid carried out in his house.

The suspect along with the firearms taken in to cudtody ate due to be handed over to the Organized Crimes Prevention Unit for further investigations.

A 37 Year Old Drug Smuggler Was Arrested With A Haul Of Heroin In Possession

Police officers attached to Colombo
Crimes Division have arrested a 37 year old Drug Smuggler Sameera Rasanga Gunasekare allias "Hybrid Sudda" with 1.100 Kilo Grammes of Heroin in his possession at Padukka area this morning  (18).

Police Officers have also taken in to custody Rs.750,000  in cash and two Motor Cars in possession of the suspect who has been identified as an assistant of Imprisoned Dematagoda Chaminda who is currently serving a death row with three others over the killing of former MP Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra.

The suspect is a resident of Angoda,Himbutana area .The estimated value of the haul of Heroin taken in to custody in his possession is around Rs.13 million.

Colombo Crimes Division is due to produce the suspect before the court to obtain detention order to question him further .

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Person Has Died After Colliding With A Train

A 48 year old person has died after
colliding with a Train whilest walking along the Rail Track at Fairfield Gardens in Borella last night (17).

The critically injured person had succumbed to his injuries after admission to Colombo ,National Hospital .

The deceased was identified as a resident in Borella.

Julian Asange Fly To Australia After Leaving US Court As A Free Man