Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Medical Administrators Association Protested Over The Illegal Apointment Of Director Post In Colombo National Hospital

Sri Lankan Medical Administrators today  have protested over an illegal appointment of  Deputy Director in Colombo National Hospital as the New Acting Director of the Hospital .This Appointment has made by the Ministry Of Health yesterday while the Ministry has already selected the suitable candidate to fill the vacant Director Post of  Colombo National Hospital which is  largest Hospital in the Country.

The Deputy Director of the Colombo National Hospital Dr.(Mrs) Sujatha Senaratna has been appointed as  Acting Director of the Hospital while a Senior Medical Administrator have been already selected for the post through an Interview.Four Candidates Dr.Anil Jasinha,Dr.Ananda Gunasekera ,Dr.Amal Harsha De Silva and Dr.Sam Samarasinha were short listed for the interview on National Hospital Director Post after calling Applications for the above post in January this year.

Well Informed Sources have said that the Medical Administrators Association has already informed on this illegal appointment which they mentioned as a Politically  Influenced one to the Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) and the GMOA is due to meet during this week to discuss on the issue.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sri Lanka's Elderly Population To Be Increased More Then Child Population By 2021

By the year 2021 the Elderly Population above 55 years of age will increase more than Child Population under 4 years according to the Department of Census And Statistics of Sri Lanka.The Statistics have clearly shows that the Elderly Population above the age groups of 55-59 and 60+ are in increase by the year 2021.

By the year 2041 the Elderly Population will increase further according to the Statisticians.Speaking at the Media Seminar held today at the Health Education Bureau in Colombo on World Population Day the Additional Secretary of the Ministry Of Health Dr,Palitha Mahipala has said that the Increasing number of Population may cause serious Health Problems in future.

The Global Population which increases by 3 infants per second will be 7 Billion by 31st of October 2011 he stressed.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Opposition Leader Pledged His Party's Support Towards The Govt.To Find A Political Solution For The National Issue

The Opposition Leader Ranil Wickramasinha has today said that his party the United National Party(UNP)  is ready to support the government to find a political solution to the national issue and to ease the  International Pressure on the Country.

Addressing a ceremony held today in Colombo to commemorate Former Minister V.K Sugathadasa the Opposition Leader stressed that the Main Opposition UNP will participate the proposed Parliamentary Select Committee Meeting to find a political solution.

Popular Sri Lankan Film Actor in 1950's Stanley Perera Passed Away

A Popular Actor in Sri Lankan Cinema (Sinhala Cinema)during 1950's and 60's Veteran Stanley Perera has passed away  this evening at the Colombo residence of her eldest daughter Popular Actress Sabeeta Perera.

The late Stanley Perera made his debut as an Actor in 1952 when he was selected to act in the film"Kala Handa(Wild Moon) based on a Popular N oval written by W.A Silva at the age of 17.He became very Popular for his role of John Jayapala in the film which he acted with the Nightingale of Sinhalese Cinema Late Rukmani Devi.Amongst other Popular Films he acted are "Duppathage Duka(The Sorrow of Poor Person),"Chandali"( A female belongs to a low cast),"Akka Nago(Sisters) ,London Hamu and Hathara Maha Nidhanaya.

He was married to the Popular Actress in 1960's Girly Perera(Nee Gunawardena).The remains of the late Actor now lies in the Jayaratna Funeral Parlour in Borella.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Sri Lankan Cricket Administration Postponed The Sri Lankan Premier League Cricket Tournament Till 2012

The New Sri Lankan Interim Cricket Committee has today decided to postpone the first edition of Sri Lankan Premier League 20-20 Cricket Tournament which is earlier scheduled   to begin on 19th of July till August Next Year(20120 .This decision was taken by the New Cricket Interim Committee and the League Organizers  Singapore Based Somerset Entertainment Ventures during a meeting held today.

The previous Cricket Interim Committee headed by D.S De Silva had created this Tournament which is similar to the Indian Premier League Tournament organized by the Indian Cricket Board .Foreign Cricketers of number of Countries including Pakistan,West Indies and South Africa agreed to participate the said Tournament however the Indian Cricket Board has refused to participate 12 of the Indian Cricketers who are due to offer contracts in the Tournament by stating that they  will not allow their players to participate a Tournament sponsored by a Private Venture.

The Cricket Authorities also decided to hold a 20 -20 Inter Provincial Tournament with the participation of National Cricketers  at the period which earlier planned to conduct the Sri Lankan Premier League Tournament.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

National Drug Policy Draft To Be Hand Over To The Health Minister On 19th

The much waited  Draft of National Drug Policy is due to handover to the Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena on 19th of July as the National Drugs,Cosmetics and Devices Draft according to the well informed sources.

The Specialist Committee which drafted the National Drug Policy scheduled to meet for the last time on 19th of July and review the draft before handing over it to the Minister on the same day.To make the Draft in to a law the Minister should have present it to the Cabinet and after the Cabinet Approval need  to send it to Parliamentary Advisory Committee and later to the Parliament for the approval.

It will take few months to complete this procedure to complete according to the Health Ministry Sources.However few months back the Health Minister has announced that the National Drug Policy will be implemented in July this year.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Etul Kotte To Become Administrative City?

Prime Minister D.M Jayaratne has said in Parliament today that Colombo City is to become the Business City of the Country and Etul Kotte will be the Administrative City .

Singapore Intensifies, Oil Spill Cleanup After It Spreads Along Coast
