Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sri Lankan National Integration Minister Karuna Amman To Re Unite Former LTTE Leader's Family

Sri Lankan National Integration Minister and Former Chief Commander of the LTTE Vinyagamoorthy Muralideran Allias Karuna Amman said the Wife and Two Children of the Former Chief of the LTTE'S Political Wing Thamil Selvem who was killed from an Army Attack will be allowed to re unite with their relations soon.

The Minister visited Thamil Selvam's family Members yesterday who are staying with other IDP'S at the Manik Farm Relief Center in the Northern Sri Lanka and promised them to get Government Permission for their re uniting with relations.According to Minister Karuna Amman Thamil Selvam's Family are not belongs to the LTTE Cadres.He also plans to meet Former Sea Tiger Leader Soosai's Family Members too who were captured by the Navy when they tried to escape from a Boat Two weeks ago.

Sri Lankan Draft Resolution Adapted At The UN Human Rights Council

The Sri Lankan Draft Resolution Presented to the Special Session of United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva is adapted after passed by a Majority little while a go. 29 Member Countries out of the 47 Members of the Council vote in Favor for the Resolution and 12 Voted against it.The Original Draft which had 17 Paragraphs later expanded to 29 Paragraphs.

European Union,Japan,Chilli and Mexico were among those Voted against the Sri Lankan Resolution. Asian and Non Aligned Countries including African Nations Voted in Favor of the Resolution.Six Countries abstained by voting.This Special Session of the Human Rights Council is called by the European Union Countries led by British Foreign Secretary David Miliband in an attempt to level War Crimes against Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan Draft Resolution Titled as "Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights .

Sri Lankns Protests In Front Of Canadian Embassy In Colombo

More than One Hundred Sri Lankans stage a Protest Campaign this morning in front of the Canadian Embassy charging Canadian Government Of Supporting the LTTE Terrorists.These Protesters wrote the Wall of the Canadian Embassy stating it as " Embassy of the LTTE".

Protesters also charged the Canadian Government for not taking enough action to protect the Sri Lankans reside in Canada and their Property from Attacks of the Pro LTTE Supporters.

Voting Of The Special Human Rights Council Session Scheduled This Evening

The Voting on the Special Session of United Nations Human Rights Council on leveling War Crimes Against Sri Lanka scheduled to be taking place in it's Headquarters in Geneva this afternoon.

Asian and African Countries already Shown their Support towards Sri Lanka and Bolivia yesterday said there is a Colonial Attirude behind the calling this Special Session on Sri Lanka of the Human Rights Council.Non Aligned Countries including India,Pakistan,Malaysia Indonesia,Cuba,China,Russia and African Nations so far expressed their Support to Sri Lanka.

Now the Human Rights Council Members are divided as Western and Asian and Latin American Countries are in the View that both parties should find a Negotiated Solution for the problem.
Asian Countries including Sri Lanka,India and Pakistan already forward a Resolution to the Session against the Resolution submitted by the Western Countries towards levelling War Crime Charges against Sri

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Large Number Of IDP'S In Northern Sri Lanka Suffering From Eye Disorders

A large number of Internal Displaced Persons(IDP'S) in the Camps of Northern Sri Lanka are suffering from Various Kinds of Eye Disorders and some are getting Blind Ministry of Health revealed today.
Majority of these IDP'S who are Suffering from Eye Disorders are adults and they are not able to getting proper treatment from long period of time under the LTTE Regime.
Vision 2020 Programme of the Ministry Of Health is now conducting Special Eye Clinics once in Two Weeks for those who are suffering from Eye Disorders at the Vavuniya and Settikulam Relief Centers.Sri Lankan Eye Specialists Association is assisting them in this regard.

Steps are taken to give Artificial Lenses for those getting Blind and Reading Glasses for the needy a Spokesman of the Ministry Of Health said.The Philanthropists who wished to help these IDP'S in Northern Sri Lanka can contact the Vision-2020 from the Phone Number 11 574 1815(those in abroad should add 0094 infront of that number) to get more details.

United Nations Human Rights Council To Hold A Special Session This Evening On Sri Lanka

United Nations Human Rights Council is due to hold a Special Assembly in 80 Minutes time at their Headquarters in Geneva to pass a Resolution on War Crimes against Sri Lankan Government which they said happened during Fighting against the LTTE Terrorists.
However 18 Member States compromising mainly of Asian Countries out of the 47 Members in the Council are decided to Back Sri Lanka on the Issue.Another 18 Countries mainly from the West are going to vote against Sri Lanka on the Issue and the remaining 11 Countries are not yet decided whom are they going to support.

The 18 Member States who are supporting Sri Lanka includes India,China,Indonesia and Malaysia decided to put forward a Resolution expressing other nations not to Interfere the Internal Issues of Sri Lanka.This Special Session on Sri Lanka is called by the European Union led by British Foreign Secretary David Miliband.

Meanwhile Human Right Council Member Indonesia accused Western Countries of applying Double Strandards for their Rights Violations Probe against Sri Lanka.Sri Lankan Minister of Dissaster Management Mahinda Samarasinha,Attorney General Mohan Pieris and Special Sri Lankan Delegate in Geneva Dayan Jayathilake representing this Session on Behalf of the Sri Lankan Government.

Monday, May 25, 2009

President Mahinda Rajapaksha To Receive Rajiv Gandhi Award

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksha is Due to Receive the Rajiv Gandhi Award for his Leadership given to Defeat LTTE Rebels Militarily.India's Anti Terrorist Organization have been decided to give this Award to the Sri Lankan President.

The Representatives of the Organization is due to visit Sri Lanka soon to Handover the Award to him.This Award is given every year for Achievements on the Memory of Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

Singapore Intensifies, Oil Spill Cleanup After It Spreads Along Coast