Sunday, February 21, 2016

Human Rights Commission Of Sri Lanka Has Suspended The Investigations On Embilipitiya Youth's Death

Image result for human rights commission of sri lankaThe  Human Rights Commission Of Sri Lanka has decided to suspend the investigations that are being  carrying out regarding the death of a youth in Embilipitiya which occurred as a result of a clash between the Police and residents of a Party House with immediate effect.

The  few fundamental rights petitions  filed at Supreme Court regarding the death of Embilipitiya Youth is the main cause behind this decision the Chairman of  Human Rights Commission Dr.Deepika Udugama has said.

Two Persons Injured And Hospitalized Due To Their Van Crashed Into A High Tension Power Line Post On Hatton-Bagawanthalawa Main Road

Two Persons have been injured and hospitalized due to the van they were travelling in crashed into a high tension power line post at Diyasirigama Area on Hatton-Bagawanthalawa (In Up Country)Main Road today(21).

The crashed van was carrying a group of pilgrims who had gone to historical "Sri Pada"Mountain.

Due to this accident the high tension power line post which was hit by the van fallen down to the Hatton-Bagawanthalawa main road and it caused a disruption to the transport for few hours.However the authorities have later removed the power line post and eased the traffic on the road.


A Special Cabinet Meeting Is Due To Be Held On Tuesday(23)

Image result for sri lanka logoThe Government has decided to convene a special Cabinet Meeting on this Tuesday(23) to inform the Cabinet  on  decisions taken during   President Maithripala Sirisena's tours to Germany and Austria.

This Special Cabinet Meeting will be held under the patronage of President Sirisena.Due to the President's European Tour the weekly Cabinet Meeting was not held last week.


Extreme Weather Battered Many Parts Of The Island

 Extreme weather associated With. Heavy showers and strong winds battered many parts of  the island since last night Causing floods and land...