Sunday, December 20, 2020

Five Corona Deaths Reported Today (20)

 Another 06 Corona deaths had been. Reported today (20) increasing the total number of Corona deaths reported so far to 176 according to Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly four males and a female who had been identified as Corona positives had died due to the complications of non communicable diseases they had suffered from as a result of Corona infection 

The deceased were of the ages 71,52,71,42 and 49 years resided  at Panagoda ,Colombo -08,Colombo -12,Colombo -02  and Bandaragama areas it has been revealed .

Covid in Sydney: New restrictions announced as outbreak grows 

මිතුදමක වත්මන් පැතුම

 කලණ  මිතුදමක් තුළ පවතින එකම පැතුම වනුයේ තම මිතුදම කිසිදා මගනොහැරෙන සදාකල්හි  පවතින නිමල මිතුදමක් වේවා යන්නය .වත්මන් කොරෝනා වසංගතය  එම මිතුදමට බලපෑමක් නොවී සැමටම  සදාකල්හි සුවෙන් වාසය කිරීමට හැකි වේවා යන්නය .

 (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Humanity In Pictures


WHO In Close Contact With UK On New Corona Virus Variant 



Navy Had Recovered 1900 Kilos Of Turmeric Brought To Sri Lanka Illegally

 Sri Lanka Navy had taken into custody around 1900 Kilo Grammes of Turmeric at Sinnapadu beach in Mundalama area in North during a raid carried out in the area this morning ,(20).

The stock of Turmeric which brought through sea route from India  violating the quarantine rules was stored in 59 polythene and fertilizer sacks to prevent absorbing water  according to Navy. The stock of Turmeric worth more than Rs . 11 million is due to be handed over to Sri Lanka Customs .

The suspects who brought this stock of Turmeric through fisheries boats had fled away from the area at the time of the raid it had been revealed .

India Extended LTTE Ban for Another Five Years

 India have decided to extend the ban imposed on LTTE for   another five years the Ministry of Internal affairs in India has announced yeste...