Friday, November 16, 2018

Speaker Has Sent A Letter To President And Informed No Confidence Motion Against Minority Government Got Passed -Parliament Was Prorogued Until Monday

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has informed
the President Maithripala Sirisena by a letter  that a no confidence motion has been passed against the appointed government of Premier Mahinda Rajapakshe by a majority of 122 votes as 122 MP's voted for the motion and no one voted against.

Speaker has sent the No confidence motion submitted against the minority government with the signatures of 122 MP's voted for the motion .

Meanwhile Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has prorogued the parliament until 1.30 p.m on Monday the 19th of November after the no confidence motion got passed. He had left the house escorted by Policemen. 

UNP Deputy Leader Sajith Prrmadasa Says For Him Ranil Wikramasinghe Is Still The Prime Minister

Deputy Leader of United National
Party  (UNP)Sajith Prrmadasa has today (16)said after the Parliamentary session that for him President of Sri Lanka is Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister is Ranil Wikramasinghe and they will form the government again soon .

Addressing a media briefing held at Parliamentary Complex Deputy Leader of UNP Has said UPFA MP's today displayed  bad behaviour in Parliament because they knows they do not have the majority in the house .

Parliament Became A War Zone As UPFA MP's Protested Surrounding The Speaker's Chair

The Parliamentary session scheduled
for today (16) at 1.30 p.m has been delayed around half and hour due to the Protest held by  surrounding the speaker's  chair by a group of Mahinda faction MP's and Ministers.

 United Peoples Feeedom Allisnce MP ArundiKa Fernando has seated in Speaker's chair and other Mahinda faction MP's and appointed Ministers surrounded speakers chair and shouTed slogans against United National Party (UNP) MP and Deputy Minister Palitha Thewarapperuma And Speaker Karu Jayasuriya.

Protesters demandEd  an action against UNP MP Palitha Thewarapperuma over carrying a knife to the Parliament yesterday (15).

However MP Thewarapperuma has denied the charges and said he had carried a BroKen microphone not a knife as stated by UPFA MP's.

Due to the Protest the house had seen as a war zone and protesters had erupted after Speaker Jayasuriya has arrived in the Parliament escorted by Policemen. 

Amidst Opposition Of Mahinda Faction MP's And Ministers Speaker Karu Jayasuriya Arrived At Parliament Escorted By Policemen And Got Passed No Confidence Motion Against Minority Government

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has arrived at Parliament this evening (16 ) escorted by a group of Policemen and requested a vote for the No confidence motion resubmitted against appointed Minority government of New Premier Mahinda Rajapakshe ,by standing as the speakers chair was removed by Mahinda faction MP's .

When the speaker has requested the vote for no confidence motion escorted with Policemen Mahinda faction MP's and some appointed Ministers imcluding Johnston Fernando, MahindaNanda Aluth Gamage, Prasanna Ranaweera, S.B Dissanayake  and ArundiKa Fernando had thrown cushions of chairs ,files,Books  and douements on Speaker's  table and chilie powder mixed water towards Policemen provided security for the speaker and towards speaker  it has been reported.

However amidst Opppsition of Mahinda faction group Speaker has Called vote by voice not by name as requested by President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday  (15)due to the tense situation.

Then around 122 MP' including MP's of  Premier Ranil Wikramasinghe 's faction ,TNA,JVP and Muslim Congress have voiced they have agreed to the motion .

Afterwards speaker has announced the no confidence motion has been passed in Parliament for the second time and promised the result will be sent to President Maithripala Sirisena to appoint the leader of Majority group as Premier and reappoint the Cabinet of Ministers.

President Sirisena is due to take a decision regarding Speaker's request according to reports .


IMF Has Approved Another Loan For Sri Lanka

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)  has approved the second phase of the 48 month extended fund facility to Sri La...