Friday, September 25, 2020

Funeral Of Late Singer S.P. Balasubramanium Will Be Held This Morning (26)At His Farm House With Full State Honours

Two Million Corona Virus Deaths Are Very Likely Even With A Vaccine WHO Warns


Another 06 Petitions Filed Yesterday (25) Against The 20 Th Amendment

Another 06 petitions had been filed
against the 20 th amendment    to the constitution which was submitted to the Parliament , yesterday (25),increasing the total number of petitions  filed at Supreme Court challenging the proposed 20 th amendment to 18 it has been reported .

Several political parties, Civil organization's and activists were among those filed petitions against the new amendment to the constitution. The young lawyers Association had filed a petition challenging the amendment yesterday

All petitions  had named Attorney General Dappula De Livera as the chief respondent .

Consumer Affairs Authority Had Fixed The Price Of Coconuts

Consumer Affairs Authority had issued
an extra ordinary Gazette Notification today  (25)fixing a maximum selling price for coconuts based on it's round size.

Accordingly if the round size of a Coconut Is more than 13 inch the maximum selling price is Rs.70 and the coconut with 12-13 inch size can be sold for Rs. 65 the Authority has stated.

A coconut with the round size less then 12 inches Can be sold for Rs. 60 .

No trader  can sell coconuts above these prices the Consumer Affairs Authority has stated.    

Sixteen Corona Positives Had Been Discharged From Hospitals Today (25)

Sixteen  Corona Positives had been
discharged from Government hospitals today  (25)after full recovery  according to Epidemeology Unit.

Up to now 3158 Corona positives had been discharged from hospitals after full recovery. 

Twelve Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (25)

A total of 12 Corona positives had been
reported today (25) in the country ,increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far to 3345 according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly 06 arrivals from Qatar, 03 arrivals from Ukraine, 02 arrivals from United Arab Emirates and 01 arrival from Albania had tested positive for Corona virus today.

At the moment 174 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals. 

Julian Asange Fly To Australia After Leaving US Court As A Free Man