Thursday, October 14, 2021


දක්වන ආදරය /සෙනෙහස සැබෑ නම් කුමන බාධකයකටවත්  එය බිඳ දැමිය නොහැකිය .(උපුටා ගැනීමකි )


Prices Of Sugar ,Anions And Potatoes Have Skyrocketed

The prices of White Sugar ,Big Anions and Potatoes in the local market  have skyrocketed according to sources .

Accordingly a Kilo Gramme of White sugar in the local market had risen to Rs.130 ,The retail price of A Kilo Gramme of Big Anions to Rs.200 and  Retail Price of Potatoes to Rs.200 the sources have stated .

At the moment there's a shortage of White Sugar in the market as a result of the price increase it has been revealed ,

The Stock Of Fertilizer Arrived AT Colombo Harbor Yesterday (13) Was Chemical Fertilizer -Experts

 The 20,000 Metric Tones of  "Potassium Chloride "Fertilizer brought to Sri Lanka yesterday (13) was not organic fertilizer as mentioned by the Agriculture Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage .But a stock of chemical Fertilizer according to Agriculture Experts .

This  stock of fertilizer used  as  a Chemical fertilizer known as  "Miuriate  Of Potash "the Experts had stated ,

Government has yesterday (13) announced the arrival of 20,000 Metric tones of Organic Fertilizer to Colombo Harbor ,Government has recently decided not to import Chemical Fertilizer to the country and to use Organic Fertilizer for agricultural purposes ,

21 Corona Deaths Had Been Reported Today (14)

 A Total of 21 Corona deaths had been reported today (14) in the country ,Increasing the total number of Corona deaths reported so far in the country to 13,429 according to Director General Of Health Services (DGHS).

Accordingly 15 males and 06 females had died due to Corona infection the DGHS Has announced .Out of the deceased 16 were over 60 years of age and 05 were belonged to 30-60 years age group .

673 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (14)

 Another 673 Corona Positives had been reported today (14) increasing the total number of Corona positives reported so far in the country to 529,755 according to Epidemiology Unit .

At the moment 24,722 Corona positives are being treated at hospitals /quarantine centers and under home care system the Unit has stated ,

A total of 6156 "PCR "Tests and 4413 Rapid Antigen tests had been performed in the country yesterday (13) it has  been reported ,

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

20,000 Metric Tones Of Organic Fertilizer Had Arrived In Colombo Harbor

 A ship carrying  20,000 metric tones  of Organic Potassium  fertilizer imported by two local fertilizer companies had arrived in Colombo Harbor today (13). 

This stock of Organic Fertilizer is scheduled to be distributed among the Farming development centers in Paddy cultivated areas at n Ampara ,Batticaloa ,Polonnaruwa ,Kurunagala ,Puttalam ,Trincomalee and Hambanthota areas for the Maha season ,

North Korea: Vulnerable at risk of starvation, UN expert says 

Senior DIG Priyantha Weerasuriya Has Been Appointed As Acting IGP

The senior Deputy Inspector General Of Police (DIG)  in charge of North Central Province  Priyantha Weerasuriya has been appointed as the ac...