Sunday, April 19, 2020


203 Who Were Under Quarantine At Keselwatre Had Been Sent To Quarantine Centers

Army had today (19)taken steps to
transport 203 persons who are under quarantine at their houses in Bandaranayake Road at  Keselwatte ,Colombo to quarantine centers after 15 persons under quarantine there had been tested positive for corona virus .

Among those who had been sent to quarantine are 08 children according to sources .

These persons were isolated at keselwatte area as they had close contacts with few corona positives the sources have added .

Another Two Corona Positives Identified -Two.Other Positives Had Been Discharged

Another two corona virus positives had
been reported this evening (19)and two other corona virus positives had been cured and discharged from hospitals today according to the Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly the total number of Corona virus positives reported from the island has been increased to 271 and the number of positives who got cured  and discharged from hospitals had risen to 96 .

During today Seventeen Corona virus positives had been identified and seven positives had been discharged from hospitals .

Coronavirus: 'Possible to be infected with Covid-19 more than once'

Fifteen Corona Virus Positives Had Been Reported Today (19)-Five Other Corona positives Cured And Discharged

Fifteen New Corona virus positives had
been identified today (19) from Keselwatte area in Colombo where they are under quarantine according to the Director General Of Health Services Dr.Anil Jasinghe .

With these new Corona virus positives the total number of Corona positives identified from Sri lanka has been increaesed to 269.

All 15 positives that have been identified today had close contacts with Corona positives identified earlier it has been revealed .

Meanwhile 05 Corona virus positives had been discharged from hospitals today (19)after being fully recovered and the total number of discharged corona virus positives in Sri lanka has been increased to 91.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ten Corona Virus Positives Identified Yesterday (18)-Total Number Of Positives Has Been Increased To 254

Another 06 Corona Virus positives had
been reported in the Island last night(18) ,Increasing the total number of Corona virus positives reported from the country so far to 254 according to the Epidemeology Unit .

These Positives had been identified from Welissra Quarantine center it has been reported .10 Corona positives had been identified during yesterday and now 161 Corona virus positives are being treated at 04 Hospitals under medical supervision according to the Ministry of Health .

Government To Relax The Curfew In All Districts Except 25 Police Divisions

Government has today (18)decided to
relax the island wide curfew imposed since 20 th of March ,from this Monday (20) except 25 police divisions in Colombo ,Gampaha,Kalutara ,Puttalam and Kandy districts.

Accordingly curfew imposed in  all Districts except those 25 police divisions will be lifted on 5 a.m on Monday(20)and will be re imposed from 8 p.m same day .

From Tuesday the curfew in curfew lifted areas will be imposed daily from 8 p.m to 5 a.m next morning .

If a Corona patient had been identified in one of these curfew lifted areas Curfew wil be re imposed without a notice it has been announced .

Singapore Intensifies, Oil Spill Cleanup After It Spreads Along Coast