Saturday, June 24, 2017

Foreign-Qatar Rejects Demands From Arab States

Postal Workers To Launch An Island Wide Continuous Strike From Midnight Monday

Postal workers attached to the Postal Department are
due to launch an island wide continuous strike from midnight monday(26) demanding solutions for two of their demands according to the Postal Unions Collective.

The strike will be launched by demanding not granting some post office buildings for a hotel project and providing solutions for adminstrative problems in Postal Department the trade unions Collective has stated.

Postal workers have launched a two day island wide strike on 13th and 14th of this month over the same demands.


Convenor Of Inter University Students Federation Lahiru Weerasekera Has Been In University For Nine Years-Minister Kiriella

The convenor of the Inter University Students
Federation Lahiru Weerasekera who was arrested and remanded until 05th of July over damaging properties of the Health Ministry after entering the Ministry building forcibly,has been in the  University for  nine years according to the Minister of Higher Education and Highways Lakshman Kiriella.

Speaking at a function held in Thissaramaya area today (24)Minister has stressed that the convenor Weerasekera is in University for more than the required number of years.

NBRO Has Issued A Special Landslide Warning To Ratnapura

National Building Research Organization (NBRO) has
today (24)issued a special landslide warning to Ratnapura District after  the Department Of Meteorology has predicted that there will be heavy showers nearly 100 mili meters in few districts including Ratnapura during   next few days .

The public in Ratnapura District should be vigilant over this situation NBRO has warned.

Meanehile the landslide warnings issued to six other districts as well including Galle, Matara, Hambanthota,Kegalle,Kalutara and Nuwara Eliya due to the adverse weather conditions .

Convenor Of Inter University Bhikkhu Federation Sugathananda Thero Transferred To Welikada Prisons Hospital

The convenor of the Inter University Bhikkhu Students
Federation Tampitiya Sugathananda Thero who had been remanded over forcibly enering the Health Ministry premises and damaging it's properties has been transferred to Welikada Prisons Hospital today (24) from Colombo National Hospital .

The Thero who was admitted to the Accident ward of Colombo National Hospital last wednesday (21)after injuring due to the police attack and later arrested and  remanded until 05th of July as per a court order. .Although got arrested , He is still in the hospital under police protection due to the injuries sustained following the police attack.

GMOA Called Off Their Strike After Receiving Different Solution For The SAITM Issue

Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) has
decided to called off the continuous island wide strike launched by Government Doctors demanding the SAITM (Private Medical Collage In Malabe)to be nationalized after President agreed to accelarate the halting of awarding  Degrees to the SAITM students and to inform the Supreme Court through the Attorney General on the stand of the government on SAITM.

However GMOA has launched the strike demanding to nationalized the SAITM and against the attacking of University/Medical students who forcibly entered the Health Ministry .

GMOA called off their strike after a discussion held with President Maithripala Sirisena at President's house today (24).

Meanehile Dr.Anurudda Padeniya and Dr.Harith Aluthge have been ekected as president and secretary of the GMOA respectively in the Annual General Meeting held today at GMOA office uncontestedly the Union has stated.

Chairman Of The Mawbima Janatha Party Tendered His Resignation

 The Chairman of the "Mawbima Janatha Party" DrSarath Amunugama has  tendered  his resignation  from his post.Dr.Amunugama has for...