Monday, August 17, 2009

All IDP'S To Re Settle After Clearing Mines

Sri Lankan Government will Re Settle All the IDP's in the North after clearing the Land Mines planted in those Areas Minister of Disaster and Relief Services Rishad Badurdeen says today.Land Mine Threat caused the delay of re settling Process of the IDP'S he stressed.
Government already clearing the Mines of the Area and soon after finishing this process Re settlement of the IDP'S will begun he further added.He disclosed these facts at a Media Briefing in UN Compond this evening.

Replying to a Question raised by a Journalist UN Resident Representative of Sri Lanka Bruhne said that it is Government's Responsibility to maintaining the IDP Camps in the North and UN only assisting the Process.Therefor if some camps in the North are facing Floods the responsbility is in the hands of the they select the Camp Sites,construction and ,dozer it he stressed.

Indian Government Donated Large Stock Of Relief Items To IDP'S

Indian Government today handover a 600 Tonnes of Relief Items to the United Nations Office in Colombo to distribute among the IDP's lives in Camps in the Northern Sri Lanka.Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Mr.Alock Prasad handed over the Relief Items worth US Dollers 3 Million to the UN Resident Representative Neil Bruhne at the UN Compound in Colombo this evening.

The Donated items contains Grocery Items,Utensils,Plastic Mats,Garment Metarials including Children Clothing Materials,Footwear and Personal Sanitation Items.According to the Indian High Commissioner These Items are sufficient to the Around 80,000 Families among the Approximately 285,000 IDP'S in the Camps.

Indian High Commissioner also stressed the need to resettle the IDP'S in the Northern Sri Lanka in quick manner and Indian Government's willingness to assist the Process.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ten Suspects Of The Student Assault Case To Appear In Courts

Ten Suspects including Six Policeman who are believed to be involved in the alleged assaulting of the IT Student in Colombo are due to produced before Colombo Magistrate Court tomorrow.The Son of the Senior Police Superintendent Vaas Gunawardana is also alleged to be involved with the Assault.

SSP Gunawardana was transferred to the Colombo Police Headquarters from the Colombo Crimes Division effect from last Friday due to this Incident.

The Funeral Of Two Youths Killed By Police Held Under Tight Security

The Funeral of the Two Youths who were shot dead by the Agulana Police in the Colombo Suburbs last weak was held this evening amidst tight Security.Police Riots Squads and Army Personal placed in the Area to prevent any Violence.

Mount Lavinia Court ordered that the Coffins of the Two Youth should take directly to the Cemetery from their Houses preventing of taking the Coffins to another Place to Protest against the Killings.

The OIC of Agulana Police Post and Five other Police Officers attached to the Post were transferred Immediately after the Residents in the Area protests against the Killing of the Youth while in the Custody.

Former Chief Of The PAFFERAL Died

The former Chairman and the Chief Executive of the Elections Monitoring Body Peoples Action for Free And Fair Elections(PAFFERAL) Mr.Kingsley Rodrigo has died his family Announced today.During last few months he has not taking part in the Election Monitoring Activities Due to Poor Health Condition .

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cuban Epidemiologists Handover A Report On BTI Bacteria

A report Recommending the ways of using Cuban Made BTI Bacteria into the National Dengue Control Programme in Sri Lanka was handover to the Health Ministry this morning by the Two visiting Cuban Epidemiologists.This Report is made after visiting the Dengue Alert areas of Hambanthota,Kandy,Anuradhapura,Gampaha and Colombo.

The report is now with the Health Ministry Secretary Dr.Athula Kahanda Liyanage and he will implement the recommendations of this Report after examining it further Health Ministry sources said.

Police Crimes Division Head Transferred Over A Student Assault

Head of the Colombo Crimes Division Senior Superintendent Of Police(SSP) Vaas Gunawardane was transferred to the Police Headquarters in Colombo this evening with immediate effect .He and his Son were charged for Assaulting a Student of the Information Technology Institute few days ago.The injured Student is hospitalized and getting further treatment for his injuries.

Singapore Intensifies, Oil Spill Cleanup After It Spreads Along Coast