Friday, June 24, 2022

Litro Gas To Suspend The Distribution Of LP Gas Until 06th of July

 Litro Gas Company cannot supply the  Domestic LP  Gas cylinders for the  public until 06th of July due to the Gas shortage faced by the company   it has been announced.

Two Ships carrying 3500 Metric tons of Domestic LP Gas each are scheduled to be arrived in Colombo harbor on 05th and 12th of July the Litro Gas Company has stated .If the first ship arrived in 05th of July as scheduled the distribution of Gas will commence from 06th of July Litro Gas has stressed  ,

Litro Gas Company had stopped the distribution of LP Gas on 04th of June due to the Gas shortage ,However long queues can be seen in front of Gas outlets island wide .

Arrival Of Petrol SAhip To Be Futher delayed -Miniterof Power

 The arrival of a Ship carrying 40,000 Metric tones of Petrol which is scheduled to be reached Colombo harbor today (24) will be further delayed according to the Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekare ,

Earlier Minister Wijesekare  had stated that the Ship is due to arrive today ,The Petrol ship is due to supply 40,000 metric tons of Octane-92 Petrol to the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation  the Minister has stressed .However he didn't mention the name of the fuel supplier and the due  due  country ship is due ,

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Afghanistan quake: Many children feared dead in disaster 


ආදරයෙන් ,සැළකිල්ලෙන් සිදු කරන ඕනෑම ක්‍රියාවක් දෙදෙනෙකු අතර ආදරය /සෙනෙහස වැඩි වීමට හේතු වේ (උපුටා ගැනීමකි )


Ceylon Electricity Board To Impose Two And Half Hour Long Power Cuts For Next Two Days

 Public Utilities Commission had given approval to the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) to impose two and half hour power cut for tomorrow (24) and the day after (25) the Commission had announced.

Public Utilities Commission had given approval to  impose a two hour power cut on this Sunday (26) as well the Commission has stated .

Ministry Of Power To Increase The Fuel Prices Again Tomorrow (24) With Record Prices

 The Ministry Of Power and Energy is due to increase the Prices of Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene Oil by record prices in accordance to the new Price mechanism with effect from midnight tomorrow  (24) it has been announced.

Accordingly, a Liter of Octane-92 petrol is expected to be increased to Rs.74  , Octane-95 Petrol to increase by Rs.78,A Liter of Auto Diesel by Rs.56 ,A liter of Super Diesel by Rs.65 and  A Liter of Kerosene Oil to be increased  by Rs.210  the sources have stated,

This price hike is scheduled to be implemented here amidst the decrease in Crude oil prices at the World Market.

Welipanna Entry Of Southern Express Highway Closed Due To Floods

The Welipanna   Entry of the Southern Express Highway has been temporarily closed  down today(01) due to the floods in the entry  it has  be...