Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sri Lankans Pay Tribute For Tsunami Victims

All Sri Lankans were in Two Minute Silence this morning to pay respect for thousands of Sri Lankans who were died and went Missing due to Tsunami waves strucked in Sri Lankan Coastal Areas Five Years ago on 26th of December 2004.

Television and Radio Channels halted their Regular Programmes on 9.25 A.M this morning the time which the 8.9 Richter Scale Tsunami was Strucked here.

Pro LTTE Ship Princess Christiana Is Open For Public View

The Ship "Princess Christiana" which came to rescue the deceased LTTE Leader Prabhakaran and later seized by Sri Lankan Navy within Sri Lankan Shores is currently anchored at Galle Face Green in Colombo for Public View.The Ship will be open for Public View tomorrow according to the Government Sources.

The Ship equipped with an Air Craft was heading towards Sri Lanka to save LTTE Leader who was killed during the Battle with Local Armed Forces on Last May.The Ship was brought to Colombo Harbor by Navy few days back.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wish U A Merry X Mas

Millions of Christians and Catholics around the World are Celebrating the Christmas today (25)to mark the Birth Of Jesus Christ.Christmas Decorations including the Christmas Tree, Santa Clause are seen everywhere and the Christmas Carols are Organized almost every Country today to mark the Christmas.

Wish Everyone a Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sri Lankan Cabinet Condemned The Allegations Of General Fonseka

Sri Lankan Cabinet Today condemned the allegations made by the Common Presidential Candidate Retired General Sarath Fonseka on that the Three Senior LTTE Cadres were shot dead by the Army on the Orders of the Government despite surrendering.

Prime Minister Rathnasiri Wickramanayaka said that the Cabinet met today criticized the Irresponsible and Blatant Comments made by General Fonseka during an Interview with a Senior Editor of Sunday Leader Paper.The said comment was Published in the Paper last week and General Fonseka clarified that he didn't made the said statement.

Leftist Janataha Wimukthi Peramuna(JVP)who supported the General Fonseka on forthcoming Presidential Election said that the Government now planning to slinging mud against the General who is once a hero for them and trying to launch mission against him.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Registration Of Tamils Travelling To Colombo Relaxed.

The Registration Rules Imposed on the Tamils who are visiting Colombo are Temporarily relaxed with the Effect from today According to the Police.According to the Senior DIG Nimal Madiwaka Those Tamils who are either from North and East or from Abroad not have to Register with the Colombo Police as early rules.

However if A Tamil is staying in Colombo more then One Month then he should be get Registered in the Nearest Police Station.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sri Lankan Government Lifted The Travel Restrictions On Visiting A-9 Road

Sri Lankan Government has decided to allow Normal Citizens to travel through A-9 Road to Jafna without getting permission from the Defense Ministry.Since the Sri Lankan Military had defeated the LTTE Rebels on last May Normal Citizens are not allow to use A-9 Road for travel purposes without getting permission from the Defense Authorities.

Meanwhile the Special Adviser to the President Mahinda Rajapaksha MP Basil Rajapaksha today announced that the Restrictions imposed on the Up Country Tamils when traveling to Down South will be lifted with the effect from tomorrow.Earlier Up Country Tamils need to get a Police Clarence when visiting Down South due to Security Concerns.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Popular Sri Lankan Surgeon Dr.Anthonis Passed Away

Veteran and Popular Surgeon Dr.P,R Anthonis who is known as One of the Greatest Surgeons produced by Sri Lanka was Passed away today at a Private Hospital in Colombo.He was 98 years old at the time of his death.The popular Surgeon became famous when he performed a marathon Six Hour Surgery to the Former Sri Lankan Prime Minister S.W.R.D Bandaranayake when he was shot by an unidentified gunman in 195o's.

Welipanna Entry Of Southern Express Highway Closed Due To Floods

The Welipanna   Entry of the Southern Express Highway has been temporarily closed  down today(01) due to the floods in the entry  it has  be...