Thursday, March 19, 2020

Bangladesh Mass Prayer Event Prompts Virus Outbreak .


An Important Advisory For Travellers To Prevent Spreading Of Corona Virus

Government Has Declared A Week Of Working At Home Policy To Minimise The Spreading Of Corona Virus

Government has declared a week of
Performing office duties whilst at home for state and private sector employees from 20 th of March  (Tomorrow )until 27 th of March to prevent spreading of Corona Virus in the county .

Accordingly All heads of of State and private institutions are being advised to prepare a mechanism regsrding this and immplemting it from tomorrow.

However essential services including Health ,Electricity ,Water ,Food supply  and Transport services are not included for this activity .

Presidential Secretariet has this evening issued a circular regarding performing office duties at home for one week .Preventing Spreading of Corona virus here through minimising  the accesss of employees in State and private sectors to their offices is the primary aim of this plan it has been announced.

Indian Premier ModI Orders A One Day Nation Wide Curfew To Combat Corona Virus


National Election Commission Postponed The Forthcoming General Election

National Election Commission has
today (19)decided to postpone the forthcoming General Election scheduled to be held on 25 th of April due to the threat of spreading Corona virus here .

Accordingly the new date for the General Election will be announced 14 days after the 25th of April after considering the spread of Corona virus here the Chairman of the Election Commission Mahinda Deshapriya has stated .

The situation here at present is not ideal to hold a General election he has stressed. 

Welipanna Entry Of Southern Express Highway Closed Due To Floods

The Welipanna   Entry of the Southern Express Highway has been temporarily closed  down today(01) due to the floods in the entry  it has  be...