Friday, February 28, 2014

Government Perfusionists Have Suspended Ttheir Continuous Strike

The Government Hospital Perfusionists who are in continuous strike since last Tuesday(25) have suspended their strike this evening after receiving a written assurance from the Health Ministry that their demands will be meet soon.

The written assurance was issued  by the ministry following the talks held between Government Perfussionists Union and Health Ministry Secretary Dr.Nihal Jayathilake this noon at the ministry premises.

The strike action has caused suspending of around 80 major heart surgeries including bypass surgeries performs in Colombo National,Kandy Teaching ,Lady Ridgway Hospital and Karapitiya Teaching Hospitals during last Tuesday to Friday according to hospital sources.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Around 60 Major Heart Surgeries Have Been Cancelled In Government Hospitals Due To Strike Of Perfusionists

During the period last Tuesday to Thursday around 60 major cardiac surgeries including By pass  have been cancelled due to the ongoing continuous strike action by Government Hospital Perfusionists   hospital sources said  today(27). the cardio thoracic unit of the lady ridgway children's hospital are among the worst hit hospital units in the country as a result of the strike sources  have added.

Around 34 perfusionists are  participating the said continuous strike launched in Cardio Thoracic Units of  Colombo National.Kandy Teaching , Karapitiya Teaching and ridgway childrens Hospitals by demanding solutions for three of their service demands .

As the Ministry Of Health still turned  blind eye towards the service demands produced by government perfusionists they have decided to continue their trade union action till their demands are meet the government perfusionists union has said.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Two Parliamentary Staffers Arrested Over A Financial Fraud

Two staff members attach to Parliament were arrested by the Criminal Investigations Department(CID) in connection with steeling around Rs.11 million from the staff thrift society fund parliament sources said.the two staffers who allegedly stole Rs.6.5 million and Rs.4.5 million respectively were arrested through the information received by CID.

The treasurer of the staff thrift society fund who is currently in overseas also involved in this financial fraud according sources.

The two arrested parliamentary staffers were produced before the courts today and were ordered to keep them in remand till 07th of March.the CID is  investigating on the fraud.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Major Heart Surgeries In Govt.Hospitals Have Suspended

Due to the island wide continuous strike launched by government hospital Perfusionists around 20 major heart surgeries including bypass surgeries performs in government hospitals have suspended daily medical sources said.there is a danger of extending awaiting lists for open heart surgeries performs in Colombo National ,Kandy Teaching and Karapitiya Teaching Hospitals due to this strike sources further added.

The said hospitals are already having awaiting lists for open heart surgeries exceeds more than one year sources stressed.

The government hospital perfusonists numbering 44 have launched an island wide continuous strike from today by demanding fair solutions for three of their service demands.if the authorities fail to provide solutions for their demands by tomorrow(26) perfusonists attach to lady ridgway children's hospital are also

due to join the strike from tomorrow according to Government Perfusonists Union .

Army Recovered A Stock Of Weapons Buried In North

The Army has today(25)recovered a stock of unserviceable weapons including  five of T-56 range   the which buried at third mile post in Murugapuri of the Trincomalee District . one 7.62 mm self loading rifle ,one light machine gun, ,seven 303 magazines are among the weapons stock that has recovered today according to army sources.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Human Rights Commission Requested President To Reduced Severe Punishment Imposed On Criminals

The Human Rights Commission has made a request from President Mahinda Rajapaksha to convert the punishment of prisoners who have received death penalty  to the life imprisonment .according to the commissioner  of the human rights commission Dr. Prathiba Mahanamhewa around 627 prisoners who are currently in prison have received death penalty and majority of them are in old age.

As Implementing death penalty is subjected to human rights violation the commission has requested president to reduced that punishment he has further added.

Elections Department Has Received More Complaints On Election Violences

The Elections Department has received 41 complaints up to now  regarding illegal granting  of  new appointments,promotions and transfers to government officials of western and southern provinces where the elections are scheduled to be held next month.

Also 21 complaints regarding using government officials for election activities too received by department according to Elections Department sources.altogether 286 complaints regarding election violence s have been reported to the department sources added.out of these complaints majority which is  around 86 complaints have been received from the Colombo District.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Government Hospital Perfusonists To Launch An Island Wide Strike From Next Tuesday

The Government Hospital Perfusonists  have decided to launch an island wide strike action from 25th of February(Tuesday) by demanding fair solutions for three of their unsolved service demands.according to the government perfusonists union due to the scheduled strike of their members around 20 major heart surgeries including Bypass Surgeries performs in Colombo National,Kandy General and Karapitiya Teaching Hospitals will be stopped daily .

The perfusonists who are operating heart lung machines during major heart surgeries to keep heart and other organs in the body  functioning, have decided to extend their   strike action  to Colombo Lady Ridgway Children's Hospital where heart surgeries of children have been performing  from 27th of February if  the authorities are not able to meet  their demands then .

Around 44 perfusonists attach to government hospitals are due to join the said strike action.

Rs.22 Million Worth Stock Of Sandal Wood Has Deatined

Sri Lankan Customs has detained a stock of Red Sandalwood weighing  10,360 grammes and worth Rs.22 million which has imported to Sri Lanka illegally.the said stock of sandalwood which stored inside a suspicious container at   Orugodawatta Container Yard was preparing to transfer it to another country, when the customs officials have detained it.this stock  was believed to be imported from Dubai  a week ago.

However the authorities are still not able to find out the country that this stock of sandal wood prepares to export and  the identity of the person who has imported the stock  to Sri Lanka. investigations are underway on the incident.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cabinet Has Approved A Paper Punishing Cricketers Who Involve In Match Fixing

The Cabinet has unanimously approved a Cabinet Paper on imposing   severe punishment for Cricketers  who are fixing Cricket Matches for money.under this Cabinet Paper new strict laws are scheduled to be introduced when punishing Cricketers who betray their game.

The Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage has produced the said cabinet paper . according to him  the aim of this paper is to prevent gambling among local cricketers .

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Northern Provincial Council Wants Direct Flights From Palaly/Trinco To India

The Northern Provincial Council has passed a resolution yesterday (18) calling for the  commencement of direct flights from Palaly and Trincomalee to India.the resolution has also requested to name Kankasanturai Port as a commercial port and recommencement of the ferry service from thalaimannar to Rameswaram port.

The resolution was presented to the council by M.K Shivajilingam and seconded by K.Sharweshwaran.

Parliament Unanimously Passed Resolution On Covering 80% of Cigerrete Packs With Picture Warnings

The Parliament has today(19) unanimously passed the resolution on printing pictorial health warnings covering   80% area of the cigarette packs .a foreign tobacco company went to courts last year opposing the health ministry's suggestion  to cover 80%  area of the  Cigarette Packs with pictorial health warnings.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Trade Unions Collective To Hand Over A Petition To Human Rights Commission

The  Collective Of Government,Semi Government and Private Sector Trade Unions is scheduled to hand over a human rights violation petition tomorrow(19) to the Human Rights Commission against the anti trade union policy adapted by government according to the joint convener of the collective Saman Ratnapriya.

The trade union leaders of the 43 member trade union collective are scheduled to  hand over the said  petition at 11 a.m tomorrow he has said.

Health Workers Belongs To 27 Categories Are To Be Launched A Sick Note Campaign On Friday

The Health Workers belongs to 27 grades in health sector are to be launched an Island wide sick note campaign on this Friday(21) by demanding fair solutions for their long standing five service demands according to Joint Trade Union Committee.

The health workers attach to government hospitals and health institutions including minor staff,telephone operators,attendants,lift operators,assistant medical laboratory technicians numbering more then 30,000 will be participating this sick note campaign according to trade union committee.

The five service demands produced by Joint Trade Committee  includes paying  salary arrears of  health workers,confirmation of temporary workers,increasing the rating system .the sick note campaign is due to begin 6.30 a..m on Friday and scheduled to be concluded 6.30 a.m on Saturday.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Elections Department To Remove All Unauthorzed Election Offices

The Election Department Officials will be removed all unauthorized election offices built throughout the island from 20th February according to the Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya .the officials are due to begin checking all unauthorized election officers from tomorrow(17th) he has stressed.

The elections for the Western and Southern Provincial Councils are due to be held on 29th of March.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Minor Fire At New Military Headquarters

A minor fire broke out in the new military headquarters under construction at Palawatta,Battaramulla was doused by the fire brigade this evening.the fire was broke out in two buildings belongs to the military headquarters sources said.

No injuries has been reported from the incident.

Fourteen Medical Administrators Refrained From Accepting Their Annual Transfers

Around 14 out of 21 Annual Transfers given to the local Medical Administrators with effect from 01st of February  have  not  been implemented yet according to Health Ministry sources .The sources said that the main reason behind this situation is due to some administrators wants to remain in the places they are currently in .

Health Ministry Secretary Dr.Nihal Jayathilake has issued a circular last week requesting  all provincial health //health institution heads to release all the transferred medical administrators without a delay .

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Dispute Between DGHS And Health Secretary Has Divided The Health Sector -GMOF

The Government Medical Officers Forum(GMOF) has complained to President Mahinda Rajapaksha that due to the heated arguments exchange between Director General Of Health Services(DGHS) Dr.Palitha Mahipala  and Health Secretary Dr.Nihal Jayathilake during the  important health sector meetings the activities of the Health Ministry cannot be maintained as usual.due to the war between these two higher officials over the gaining of supremacy in the Ministry entire health sector has now divided in to two factions GMOF has stated in their complaint.

According to a  spokesman of GMOF if president has not intervene and settle the dispute between DGHS and Health Secretary immediately otherwise the poor patients will become the victims of this dispute as the development of the health sector will be getting paralyzed  .

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Two Nursing Unions Have Turned Down The Requests To Appear Before Health Ministry Committee

Two Trade Unions representing Nurses have refused to appear and present facts  before the five member committee appointed by Ministry Of Health to investigate on  midwifery training given to nurses .The Public Services Nurses Union headed by Venerable Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero and Government Nursing Officers Union headed by Saman Rathnapriya have turned down  the  requests made by Ministry Of Health to appear before the committee headed Dr.Palitha Abeykoon it has been reported
The Public Services Nurses Union which is represented the majority of government nurses has been requested to appear before the committee on last Monday(10) and the Government Nursing Officers Union has been requested to come on this Friday(14) it has been revealed.

"As our union does not recognized the committee appointed to investigate on the midwifery training given to nurses we will not present any facts related to this issue before the committee which is not impartial' the president of Public Services Nurses Union Venerable Murththettuwe Ananda Thero has said.

Meanwhile the Government Nursing Officers Union has today(12)informed the Health Ministry through a letter that the union is not able to appear before the committee this friday.

Monday, February 10, 2014

One Kilo Grammes Of Narcotics Stored Inside Oranges Arrested With A Pakistani National

The Air Port Customs Officials have arrested a Pakistani National arrived  at  Katunayake Bandaranaike International Air Port few hours with  12 Oranges contained around 1 killo gramme of narcotics Customs sources said.

The detained Pakistani National who came from Karachchi ,Pakistan has brought around 40 Oranges in a large bag and out of these Oranges 12 have contained the said amount of narcotics sources have added.these narcotics believed to be worth around Rs.1 Million.

The narcotics stored inside Oranges by make a hole inside the fruit.

Opening Of Kottawa-Kaduwela And Galle-Matara Highways Scheduled On March

The opening of the newly built Kottawa-Kaduwela   stretch of outer circular highway and Galle-Matara stretch of Southern Expressway scheduled to be taken place on 08th of March and 15th of March respectively according to Road Development Authority(RDA).

Under the first phase of  building 11 Kilo Meter long outer circular highway of  Kottawa-Kaduwela Stretch  Rs.25 million has been allocated for the construction work RDA has revealed.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nearly 200 Acres Belongs To Sacred Sri Pada Reserve Has been Destroyed Due To A f

Nearly  200 Acres of  land belongs to the sacred Sri Pada Reserve has destroyed due to the fire spreading  there since last Thursday(05) according to police sources.the fire which broke out near the nallathanni police station in the sri pada reserves has now spreading towards Sri Pada Peek wideness sanctuary sources have added.

The Special Task Force,Army and the Air Force are currently engage in dousing the fire.Police is investigating on a certain organized groups who said to be setting fire to the forest reserves in central mountain region.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Postal Voting Of Western And Southern Provincial Council Elections To Be Held on 13th And 14th Of March

The postal voting of forthcoming Western and Southern Provincial Council Elections is to be held on 13th and 14th of March according to Elections Department.the elections for the two provincial councils scheduled to be held on 29th of March..

The deadline of accepting postal vote applications is 10th of February and those who are not able to cast their postal votes during the two days allocated will be able to cast their votes on 20th of March  through their divisional secretariats department has said.

The 04th and 16th of March are named as special days to distributing poll cards and the distribution process is expected to be completed before 21st of March.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Air Port Customs Arrested 16 Killo Grammes Of Wallapatta At Air Port

Sri Lanka Air Port  Customs has today (07) arrested 16 Killo Grammes of  Wallapatta worth around Rs.1 Million with a 31 year old resident in Colombo suburbs who has tried to carry that to another country.

The Bio Diversity Unit of Air Port is  conducting an inquiry on this matter.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wstern And Southern Provincial Council Elections To Be Held On 29th Of March

The Elections Department has announced today(06) that the Provincial Council Elections of Western and Southern Provincial Councils will be held on 29th of March.

According to the elections commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya elections department has accepted 123 nomination papers out of 129 papers handed over for the two provincial council elections.. around 3794 contestants are due to contest in this elections to fill 159 seats.

Import Tax And Special Commodity Levy Of Potatoes To Be Increased

The import tax on 1 Killo Grammes of Potatoes to be increased by Rs.15 with effect from midnight tomorrow(07) according to Finance Ministry  sources.besides this increase the special commodity levy of Potatoes too scheduled to be increased to Rs.25 from Rs.10 sources have revealed.

According to the Ministry by increasing the special commodity levy it has expected the potato farmers will be able to sell one killo of potatoes between Rs.75-80 during harvest period.the government has expected a 150,000 metric tonnes of Potatoes this year and planning to make Sri Lanka self sufficient from potatoes by the year 2016.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Public Services Nurses Union Rejected The Committe Probing Midwifery Training Of Nurses.

The Public Services Nurses Union(PSNU) has today said that the union which representing the majority of Government Hospital Nurses will neither  accept or supportive the special committee appointed by the Health Ministry to look on the midwifery training given to nurses.

The president of the Union Venerable Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero has said that there's no need to investigate on the midwifery training given to nurses as the training  provides to nurses since the yaer 1886.Health Ministry officials have adapting a double strategy by rejecting the training in one hand and accepting the training on the other hand venerable Thero .has stressed.

The Special Commodity Levy On Dhal Has Reduced

The Finance Ministry has  reduced the special commodity levy on Dhal By Rs.17 per 1 Killo Gramme with effect from tomorrow(06)according to the new reduction the price of levy imposed on dhal is to be reduced to Rs5 from Rs.22 per 1 killo gramme .

Monday, February 3, 2014

PSM'S To Launch An Island Wide Continuous Strike Action From 11th Of Februray

The Professions Supplementary To Medicine(PSM'S) attach to Government Hospitals have decided to launch an Island Wide Continuous strike from next Tuesday(11) by demanding fair solutions for their 10 long standing service demands .

According to the Joint Council Of Professions Supplementary To Medicine the PSM'S compromising Government Pharmacists ,Radiographers,Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLT) ,Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists will participate this continuous strike .solving their allowance anomalies,granting the delayed promotions for  special grade PSM'S are among the service demands of PSM''s.

Around 700-800 Prisoners To Be Pardoned To Mark Independence Day

Around 700-800 prisoners are to be pardoned to mark 66th Independence Day celebrations of Sri Lanka which falls tomorrow(04) according to the Prisons Department.

These prisoners who are to be pardoned under presidential pardon are who were imprisoned  for minor offenses and  due to not been able to pay fines department has said.the prison headquarters has today (03) finalized the list of prisoners who are due to release tomorrow.

The National Ceremony to mark Sri Lanka's Independence Day is due to be held in Kegalle in the hill country by tomorrow.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

MP Anura Kumara Disanayake Has Elected As New Leader Of Leftist JVP Party

The main leftist party Janstha Wimukthi Peramuna(Peoples Liberation Front) has today(02) elected one of their senior members MP Anura Kumara Disanayake as the new leader of the party .MP Disanayake has  unanimously elected as the leader of JVP during the 7th national convention of the party held in Sugathdasa Indoor Stadium.

A new leader has elected after the former leader of JVP Somawansha Amarasinha has step down from the party leadership due to the declining voter turnout of the party during recent elections.

A new 30 member Central Committee has also been  appointed during today's party convention and the new committee is scheduled to be meet and elect posts of General Secretary, Information Secretary, Financial Secretary, Administrative Secretary, International Secretary ,National Organizer and a Political Bureau.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Prices Of Milk Powder Has Increased

The prices of Milk Powder will be  increased with effect from midnight tonight according to Ministry Of Co operatives and Internal Trade.under the new price revision the 400 Gramme pack of Milk Powder to be increased by Rs.61 and 1 Killo Gramme Of Milk Powder will increase by Rs.152 the ministry has revealed.

The price of 400 Gramme Pack of Milk Powder will be increased from Rs.325 to Rs.386 and 1 Killo Gramme of Milk Powder from Rs.810 to Rs.862 according to new price revisions.

Earlier Ministry Of Cooperatives has assured consumers that the prices of Milk Powder will not be revised per requests made by Milk Powder Companies.

Welipanna Entry Of Southern Express Highway Closed Due To Floods

The Welipanna   Entry of the Southern Express Highway has been temporarily closed  down today(01) due to the floods in the entry  it has  be...